Public Healthcare

The Future Of AI In Healthcare

1 Mins read

The future for AI in the healthcare industry seems on a brighter side. It was a bone of contention between all experts in the world about whether AI will result in the death of jobs or the creation of jobs. In this domain particularly, it seems like AI is all set to create more jobs.

By eliminating the routine & regular jobs, AI will create a space for domain experts to fill in for the roles. Regular tasks like documentation, claim management, and even revenue management in clinics can be managed by AI. The regular staff can focus more on the efficiency and effectiveness of these machines.

As a result of automation, AI will create more jobs as compared to killing them. There are forecasts that by 2025, AI will result in creating around 2 million additional jobs. As per Allied Market Research, the global AI healthcare market will reach $22.8 billion (by 2023).

The future seems bright and promise-able, thanks to AI and ML solutions.

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