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Telehealth Application Around Globe:  Lungappen

Lungappen is a Sweden-based healthcare application created in 2013. It is an upcoming app with 5000 plus users, concentrating on educating people about lung and heart care. Lungappen is available globally and costs $2.99 on both App Store and Google Play.

The application is designed for people who want to learn more about listening to lungs and hearts. The app contains 20 patient cases with varied lung problems, accompanied by a health history. In total, there are 120 audio recordings of lungs for one to listen to.

To get something out of these recordings one needs to have basic knowledge of the lung and heart area and be familiar with concepts such as lung sounds, bronchial breathing sounds, polyphonic, sonorous, and sibilant rhonki, rattle, ronki, crepitations, pneumonia, heart failure, pulmonary fibrosis among others. It is suggested that one sit in a peaceful place and put on headphones to increase the chances of learning from the audio. On the app, the patients are divided according to four types of pathology-

1.         Heart failure

2.         Pneumonia

3.         Obstructive lung disease

4.         Other sounds from the lungs

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