
RPM technologies

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While RPM was a lesser-known method pre-COVID, the technology is quickly getting a name in chronic diseases treatments. Coupled with Artificial Intelligence(AI), this method of telehealth services can do wonders for the healthcare industry.

With AI technology in RPM, patient data like a heartbeat, blood pressure, oxygen levels etc. can be easily  transmitted without having to visit a clinic. When AI is combined with the Internet of Things(IoT), more wonderful results can be derived from RPM. RPM includes usage of computers and devices, all connected virtually to transmit information about the patient. Without the internet and data management, this cannot be facilitated.

RPM can be used in various illnesses-both chronic and general, which broadens the scope of new technologies to enter. Patients are also well-aware of the technology, and with this new digital norm expect facilities to ensure virtual support. This is a cajoling force for all the healthcare units and companies, to use technologies like AI, ML, and IoT to improve patient care.

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