Artificial IntelligenceHuman Resources

Risks of Artificial Intelligence and the HR Industry

1 Mins read

While artificial intelligence comes with its benefits, there are certain risks that one must take care of. Some of these are: 

  • One common issue of AI in any industry is data privacy and security. In the case of human resources, AI relies on employee data. Any issue with this data could result in legal issues and a lack of trust. 
  • The human resource department exists in an organization to allow employees to interact with responsible individuals. More reliance on technology could lead to a lack of human touch which defies the purpose of having this department.
  • Artificial intelligence relies on historical data, which could have biases due to the humans who prepared it. Businesses must understand this during performance evaluation.  If the data is already biased, it could result in wrong outputs affecting the employees. 
  • Integration of artificial intelligence into the HR department can be a complex process. You may face challenges in finding the right models. 
  • There are multiple decisions in the HR field like evaluations and layoffs which have ethical sides to it.  It is crucial to keep AI from taking over such decisions which need human intervention. 

Organizations should navigate through these risks carefully while implementing AI solutions in their business.

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