
IoT-connected Medical Devices- Smart Beds

1 Mins read

Hospital beds have taken a new form to increase the care and safety of the patients, becoming Smart beds with high-tech embedded control functions.

A hospital bed is a constant fixture in a hospital room where the patients spend most of their time recovering but it can also pose certain health risks. According to a hospital statistic, up to 1 million sick patients suffer falls during their treatment, 79% of which occur near or on the bed when a patient is unassisted. To eliminate these adverse events, hi-tech beds serve as a fall and injury prevention tool.

A smart bed can sense the presence of a person and automatically adjust itself to the proper angle and pressure that is required to provide suitable support without the need for a nurse’s intervention. The sensors embedded in the smart beds can also alert nurses if the patient gets out of bed, assess the patient’s movements, and monitor vitals.

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