
IoT-connected Medical Devices- Automated Insulin Delivery (AID) systems

1 Mins read

Automated Insulin Delivery (AID) systems also known as Artificial Pancreas Systems are smart devices for people living with Diabetes. An AID system has three parts- a continuous glucose monitor (CGM), an insulin pump, and an algorithm that connects the first two. Instead of having to take a finger prick test, the CGM will measure a person’s blood glucose levels. The insulin pump then delivers a continuous flow of insulin based on the CGM readings. This makes sure that the glucose levels stay within an acceptable range.

Therefore, by automating insulin delivery, AID systems also reduce the mental burden felt by patients and/or caregivers to micromanage glucose levels. The additional benefits that come with the AID system include:

–           Improved sleep due to stable blood glucose levels during the night

–           Increased safety

–           Better quality of life

–           Suspending insulin to prevent hypoglycemia

–           Blousing insulin to prevent hyperglycemia

–           Making adjustments based on real-time CGM data

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