
Disadvantages of Store-and-forward Telemedicine Model

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Following are some of the limitations of the Store-and-forward Telemedicine model.

–           Incomplete data- Sometimes, the lack of valuable face-to-face appointments can result in insufficient information for physicians to complete a consultation.

–           Insurance Reimbursements- It is challenging for bigger store-and-forward telemedicine clinics to consistently employ this model since many private insurers only reimburse real-time telemedicine consultations. Medicaid legislation in the US also varies on a state-by-state basis.

–           Tech complexities- Telemedicine companies generally don’t have the know-how or resources for building complex tech platforms that are used for storing and forwarding health data. Mostly a technology vendor provides this technology, making it a costly operation for providers.

–           Delayed Diagnosis & Treatment- Ideally, if a patient, a primary care physician and a specialist are all present in the same room, diagnosis and treatment would take place rapidly. However, in reality, store-and-forward can lead to delays when dealing with complex health issues.

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