
Alexander Osterwalder’s “Business Model Canvas” for Telemedicine

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Alexander Osterwalder’s “Business Model Canvas” consists of nine building blocks that are necessary for assessing a telemedicine system:

1.Customer segments- the organizations or individuals who are paying for the telemedicine service, this might differ from the entity who consumes the services.

2.Value proposition- the economic and social value that is provided to the customer and the consumer.

3.Channels- the primary interface between the customers and the provider, where the value is delivered (Internet, telephone infrastructure, or both).

4.Customer relationships- relationships that are generated and maintained with the customers.

5.Revenue streams- the sources of income generation.

6.Key sources- the vital technology, infrastructure, and human capital that sustain a venture.

7.Key activities- the activities are undertaken for the delivery of the value proposition.

8.Key partnerships- other relationships with entities besides the customer that capture and deliver value.

9.Cost structure- the cost of business operations for the venture.

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